So we bought these appliances, right? Fridge, stove, microwave.
They come in big boxes.
Really great boxes.
So the day we got our appliances, we also got a space club house. The moron part of me never took a picture of the kids making it and playing in it. It really was quite something and they had a ball.
The space club house lasted about a week. Then the novelty wore off.
That's okay.
I wasn't sad (except that then they started going a little more crazy in the house....).
In fact, I was glad, because then I could make things!
So what do you do when you have lots of cardboard, leftover fabric and not a whole lot else? You make bulletin boards!
The first ones, for Cade and Mia, are three layers thick of cardboard and covered with extra brown curtains that were left in our house. The only thing I had to buy was the green rick-rack. They have a blue and green ribbon pocket and painted clothes pins to hold some extra papers. Oh, and of course, are embroidered with my lovely machine - gifted to me by my darling friends and former business partners (Thank Rach and Beck!!!).
The next picture is from Lucy's room - sort of a memo-board chair rail. It goes the length of one wall in her room. And the fabric is leftover from her sheet set - when my mom made a duvet cover from the flat sheet. It also has painted clothes pins (and I bought some ribbon).
I love the challenge of making stuff out of limited resources.
It's a whole lot of fun - have always enjoyed that.
But I still really do miss Michaels!
You don't miss Michaels. You thrive on making something from nothing. Next week, Ecua-dumpster diving. I dare you. I'm sure you'll come out with a masterpiece. You are amazing!!!