Our wonderful neighbors.

They are our biggest blessing here so far, I believe.
They live in the house right above us so we get to see them fairly often and they get to hear us all the time. Pray for them, they have to endure a lot of noise pollution!
They are missionaries as well and have two kids - ages 11 and 9 (the kids have been back in the States all summer though, so have not had the privilege to meet them yet). They are great people!
And they have been so great to us: Taken us grocery shopping (as we are still with out transportation - other than taxis and bus, of course), offered to help us get all the stuff we need to get our licenses, censos (official paper type thingies we need here), and all that rot, taken us to "Vulqano", an amusement park (we had intended to go on the gondolas with them but the line-ups were insane and was pretty expensive since we don't have our censos yet), and on top of all that, gave us a bag of coveted chocolate chips and a jar of peanut butter. Now that is thinking about others before yourselves!
I've always said that I think I could live almost anywhere, as long as I am surrounded by wonderful people. God knows that and has, once again, abundantly provided.
By the way, I am sorry about the pathetic layout of some of these posts. I can't for the life of me figure out how to move stuff around so it all makes more sense. Sometimes I can have all the pictures together and all the writing on the side, sometimes it doesn't work. Whatever the case, I'm no computer geek and can't seems to fix it!! Aesthetically disturbing!!
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