A lovely little fruit known as passion fruit. Why passion? I have no idea. But I suppose it is appropriate that I have randomly selected this fruit for the day of our 16th anniversary - ah, yes, what passion....
Anywho, this is one tart little gem. I would recommend eating it straight only to those who like to suck on lemons. It has a lot of pucker power - perhaps that is the part that is related to passion??
It is very very sour but in a fabulously delicious way. It is usually used for juices, jams, sauces and such... so yes, I guess it is saucy.
Hmmmm, passion, tart, saucy, pucker power... It is all becoming much more clear.
I digress.
Maracuyà is related to the aforementioned granadilla and has the same type of peel and flesh only the colors seem to be reversed. One is snot and one is passion? Can't figure out how those are related.
Yah, so anyway, we tried it straight with a little sugar on it. It has a wonderful flavor but even though I like tart stuff, grapefruit and such (even without sugar), I think I would stick to using it in the saucy manner. It just brings too strong of a sensation in those points of the jaw... You know what I mean? When you think of or taste sour stuff and you set that feeling in your face and you start salivating? I'm having that right now as I write.
Time for a new topic.
Or maybe later as Maddy is hounding me to give her a turn (there is always a line-up).
Oh, photos compliments of her, again.
Oooh...love juice made from this fruit! My fave!