So great having them here. What a privilege to know them and get to work with them.
But they are insane. Or at least some of them.
These guys love to jump off of things - almost anything. Or jump over things. And they seem to do it with not-boring regularity. Yup, crazy. At least they had enough sense to feel a bit of fear when jumping off the roof... but they still did it.
It was a great afternoon - watching them risk life and limb. Great entertainment. They are just so much fun to be with. And if you check out facebook, I have about a million more pictures posted there.... including our kids with their imitations (fortunately they realized they were smaller and not as experienced.... although Cade is pretty gutsy).
I'm getting the feeling that there will be "never a dull moment" in this ministry! We are blessed!
(And why "pasty girls"? Well, just look at them!! The girls look half dead - or at least very unhealthy, compared to these guys. I guess that is why a tan makes you look more healthy, even though it isn't....)
Oh, thank you mom. I appreciate very much how you called me pasty! :)