We have had a regular flow of hummingbirds that we get to watch. Cade has counted 25 visiting in the last few days.
This picture is of a long-tailed slyth that visits - absolutely beautiful but terribly shy. It has been pretty tough getting a picture of him, and this one doesn't do his beauty any justice. The long tails seem to be a lot more cautious and fly away quickly when we come near.
We are loving watching them... And maybe they will entice our bird/hummingbird loving parents (my dad and Eric's mom) to come for a visit!!??
The kids picked a bunch of flowers from our yard the other day too. These plants were also purchased from the previous owners. They are so lush and beautiful - I just hope I can keep them that way. I'm not much of a green thumb...it tends to run a little more on the charcoal edging toward black side.

Whatever the case, as of right now, we are enjoying them, even if they might be temporary!
There are lots of familiar varieties but some that I have never seen before either. The white and pink one in the middlish of the bowl is really cool but I have no clue what it is. I might get kicked out of my family (not immediate - Eric and the kids don't have a clue or care) for not knowing so I better ask or look it up some time soon.
We are so grateful to be able to enjoy a lot of God's creation right here at our house. It is a pretty cool thing.
Wow--gorgeous! I am totally jealous.