I had to show you our "bathtub" and the sheer thrill on the face of Lucy to be the first to enjoy it.
- Of course, in order not to be indecent, I "gave" her a bubble-gum pink bikini for the picture. A more cautious mom would have given her a one-piece, but I guess I wasn't thinking.... -
I have been taking showers with Lucy for over a year now. We have not had a bath tub, save the two and a half weeks we house sat, for almost 13 months.
Thirteen months of showering Lucy. If you know my baby, you might realize what a chore this could be.
Especially when you consider that the shower is often my refuge. I have, in past, been known to take more than one shower per day - not because I'm particularly stinky, but because that is the one place, possibly the only place, where the kids will not join me.... and where Lucy will not attach her person to mine (Or if she is already attached, she will have to release! Think salt on a leech....). So my refuge has turned into a chore. Big time.
Well, a few days ago, we got out of the shower and I told Eric that I was done. Done with the showers. No more. And part of the reason is because Lucy, even though she has been doing it so long, still does not like showers. And again, if you know Lucy, and know how she reacts to things she doesn't like.... Well. You can imagine.
So - time to be inventive.
We bought a drain cover, covered the shower drain, filled up the "tub" (it is about a foot deep - maybe slightly more) and voilĂ , a bath! A slow draining bath, but a bath none-the-less.
And look at the delight on her face.
And look at the delight on mine!
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