Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Maddy's birthday

Since I just wrote about the Quiñceanera, I figured I should probably write about Maddy's actual birthday.  It was only a month and a half ago....   Ya, so I'm a little behind.
She had two good friends over for night from Christmas day (since they were both here with their families anyway).  They enjoyed a little breakfast and a little mocked out "High School Musical" Wii.

We went out for lunch although unfortunately the restaurant that Maddy wanted to go to was closed for the holidays.  Undaunted (well, a little discouraged....) we walked around and found another place.
Maddy even allowed her sisters to come.  

Back at home we celebrated with gifts, cake and ice cream:  A gift certificate for kindle books, chocolate log roll (which I forgot to serve for Christmas and Maddy doesn't even like.... she's not a real cake fan anyway) and ice cream to replace the cake she didn't like.  Eric headed out to get ice cream for her as a surprise.

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