Wednesday, February 6, 2013

a change

You may notice the blog is a little different.  Yes, we finally have a new picture up there.  The crazy thing is that that picture is almost a year old already and I am only getting it up now!  Sheesh.

I was rather impatient and couldn't find a new photo editing thing to do the lettering on the photo.  Picnik was what I used to use, but they are no more.  The one I finally used, after two whole minutes of impatient searching didn't let me do what I wanted, but whatever....  It doesn't look that great, but obviously I wasn't too concerned.

And to think I used to be a perfectionist......


  1. I think your picture and lettering are cute! I know I was sad when Picnik left... but now you can use Not all features are free but a lot are! hope this helps!

    1. As a new blogger, I didn't know Picnik or that "he" left. You both have inspired me in blogging!

  2. I think it's cute! I too like now. I havent been editing enough to pay for it, yet. I feel ya with the letting go of the perfectionist thing too!
