Sunday, July 27, 2014

beach birthday barbie (or Timaya in this case)

Wednesday was my delightful niece Timaya's birthday.  The big 1-2.  She likes the beach a lot, so that is where we needed to head, and head we did.  It was a delightful day (slightly chilly at first), but how could it not be when surrounded by 9 8-13 year olds?  Don't answer that.
Cade decided to work on his golf game with a sand ball and a shovel.  Actually since he has never golfed before, I guess it would be hard to work on something that doesn't exist.

Glenda had the brilliant idea (usually I say something like that in mocked tones, but I am actually serious here) of bringing along the grill and doing up some burgers and dogs.  The problem was that we were slight ignoramuses when it came to actually connecting the propane tank.  We didn't think it could possibly as simple as it really looked.  It was.  We found that out after we asked some young, handsome whippersnapper to help us.  But hey, in that, we found some new friends.  BFFs - as in forever.  They are from Alberta or something and had a really cute 6 week old baby girl named something that started with an M.  See what I mean - BFFs.  Moving on….
Cade, the guy who usually cowers from the camera, decided that he wanted to sneakily be in every picture.  Not sure what was up with him that day, but you don't here me complaining.  Nuh-uh.

Glenda got all fancy and cute with adorable itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini plates and napkins.  Sorry, I started talking about what I was wearing at the beach.  Just kidding!!!

I made some birthday cupcakes (quite delicious, I must say) - chocolate with brown butter buttercream. And we even had goodie bags.  I decided then and there that one or two of my offspring should have been born in summer instead of all packed into the span of four and a half months.  There seems to be a little more energy for extras when there is some time in between.  I'm thinking that it might be too late for that now, anyway.

and a glorious time was had by all….

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