Sunday, May 18, 2014

away with the girls (or two of them)

Originally our family - extended - planned a getaway weekend with mom to Fargo the last weekend in April.  After much hunting around for the perfect time, it ended up not being the perfect time.  But I decided to go anyway.  And there were some girls who wanted to go with me.  There were some other kids who wanted to go too, but we decided that it would be best not making this a too-big trip, for various reason.
Well, shopping was a bit of a dud.  Except for these on clearance:
Don't worry, we didn't buy all of those - although it was tempting!  Maddy found several treasures at TJMaxx, but other than that, the shopping was lousy.  And really, the attitudes in general weren't that much better.  At least on day one.  You see, mom went cheap again - and went to a homely hotel.  Homely hotels need love too, don't they?  And the very loud, obnoxious people in the room next door do too, right?  Well, they could get love elsewhere - we switched rooms!  
You see, for me, I don't need a fancy hotel room.  Give me a room clean, with no bed-bugs and I'm good.  Well, that doesn't run in the family.  Don't believe me?  My angels were fine with it?  Well, just look at their eyes - the eyes tell it all!
Okay, now seriously, they weren't thrilled but were okay with it.  We watch some movies, at some Ben and Jerry's and all was good.
Beautiful, lovely girls.
It was a bit of a downer trip but the second day was better.  We all had a bit of an attitude change (perhaps the hormones moved on through) and off we went for a lovely second day.  And hey, who can complain about eating at Five Guys and Panera Bread?  Good food makes any trip good.
And I love me some time with my girls.

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