Saturday, April 19, 2014

party down, thirteen-year-old!

Last Friday (April 11th), Mia had her birthday party.  It was a day off from school (administration day for the teachers) so she figured that was a great day for a party.  And it was - except that I still had to work.  I suggested that she have it on Saturday so I could be there and help but I was mildly shrugged off and kindly informed that as long as I made the cake and caramel corn, my presence was clearly unnecessary, thank-you-very-much.  Humph.  Fine, little-miss-I'm-so-independant-pants.  In her words as a two year old "I do self, mommy.  I do self!".
I did get to join the festivities for the final hour or so, after several games and the viewing of the ever- popular "Frozen".  So I snapped a few shots with my phone.

After gifts it was time for cake.  Unfortunately I forgot that we still haven't purchased any birthday candles.  Nothing like a glade cinnamon holiday (or whatever it is flavoured) leftover from Christmas to be a quick substitute!

Of course, it had to be red velvet with Mia.  And I can't say I am sorry that she chooses it every year.  Other than an over dose of food colouring , it is rather delectable. 
Mia and three of the friends in her class demonstrated some weird dance that they came up with as a response to a demand from their teacher.  It was rather hilarious.

Then all of those wackadoos joined in for a group buggy-swayish dance type thing.  They are so weird.  I was never that weird.  I certainly am not that weird now.  I will never been that weird (okay, okay, I'm about as odd as they come).  But they are.  It is a great, wonderful weird.  Mia has been abundantly blessed with a great group of friends.  They are such great girls - lots of fun, caring, playful, don't take themselves too seriously for their new-teenagers status…. all around a great bunch.
And the aftermath:
So I guess my kids don't need me for birthday parties.  And that is fine and dandy.  Especially because, quite frankly, unless I am doing it to help someone else, I stink at birthday parties.  I'm too lame and lazy.  Well, not entirely - but kind of when it comes to my own family's parties.  I like simple.  And really, nowadays, simple is wonderful.

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