Thursday, August 15, 2013

day three road tripping

Okay, so this is still really from day two.  Cade and Mia were quite thrilled to once again have a murphy bed to share.

 And daddy was quite thrilled to tuck them in with a little attack.

That ended day two....
 This morning Cade looked out the window and yelled, “Mom!  Bring your camera.... this is the weirdest bird ever!”  Well, I took a picture but it is certainly not the weirdest bird ever.  Especially after living in Costa Rica and Ecuador.
 Forgot about the tally from yesterday, so we caught it this morning:
 It is national No Bickering Day, as declared by Eric.  It is also have a DQ Blizzard after lunch day, as declared by me.  I’m not sure which is better.....  But I don’t think there could be Blizzard day without no bickering.  Turtle Pecan Crunch for me, Heath for Eric, Double Fudge Cookie Dough for Lucy, Cookie Dough for Mia and Maddy had a Fudge something-or-other (oh... Georgia Mud Fudge).  Cade, who must not be my son, didn’t want one.  What?
Regardless of claiming this to be No Bickering Day, there was a ridiculous amount of bickering.  Somehow it all happened after the blizzards were licked clean.
Well, we got to North Dakota, we are snug in another lovely Ramada Inn, had a little Subway and grocery store food for dinner and now it is lights out.
Praying to cross the border tomorrow.

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