Tuesday, April 23, 2013

spanish lessons

Sunset tonight.
We've been having a lot of rainy and cloudy weather.  But that also means that we are having a lot of beautiful sunsets outside our kitchen door.  Basically, I'm happy as a lark as I love the rain, love the cooler weather and love the sunsets.

This evening during dinner the kids and I started translating the song "Call Me Maybe" into Spanish (with our outrageously bad gringo accents.... on purpose).  I decided that this would be a fabulous way for the kids to keep up with their Spanish while we are on furlough - song translation!  Tonight we worked on "We didn't start the fire" by Billy Joel and "Smoke on the Water" - although all we translated was "smoke on the water".
Bet you're jealous that you aren't part of our family.  'Cause we're awesome.

By the way, in case you are worried, we were fooling around with the song translation thing....

Oh, and I cooked beans this afternoon in the pressure cooker and the whole house has reeked for hours.  Just thought you'd be interested.

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