Saturday, January 5, 2013

ten years later

Ten years ago, right about now (well, if we were in the same time zone) is when I received a call from Eric's CHP chief (or captain - I forget the rankings/titles) asking me how I was doing.  My answer was "not very good", because I was in labour with Cade.  His response was startling "Oh!  So you already heard?"  I had not idea what he was talking about.  He was surprised that I had already heard about Eric's accident.... which I hadn't.  I was just miserably going through contractions!  We were both shocked with each other's news, but his definitely preempted mine in terms of priority.  Since I was still only 7 to 8 minutes apart, I could wait.  Eric, being life-flighted to UC Davis hospital, couldn't.

All of that is now history, as they say, and we are only left with thankful hearts, incredible memories of experiencing God's goodness, strength and provision.  Memories of the Body of Christ coming together in amazing ways to support us.  Memories of answered prayers, safety and remarkable healing. And an almost 10 year old boy who was thankful born a week later when Eric unbelievably was able to witness (although he remembers nothing of it - he was there in body but so drugged up he doesn't have any recollection).

I should be making a fancy dinner and wonderful dessert to celebrate this day.  I should be throwing a party to demonstrate my incredible gratitude that Eric is alive and well.  Ten years - it is quite an anniversary.  Unfortunately, celebrating currently involves Eric doing all the work while I lay confined to bed.  Something very weird and painful happened to my back when I got out of the car when we got home from the beach two days ago.  It has left me virtually unable to walk and in incredible pain when I try to do just about anything.  I swear I am not trying to "celebrate" by making Eric take care of me since I had to take care of him!!!!

We are celebrating in our hearts and could not be more thankful to God for holding Eric in His right hand (Cade's middle name, Jamin, means "in God's right hand" in memory and thankfulness of this situation) and keeping him from greater harm.  God is good.

God still would be good if He allowed Eric's injuries to be significantly worse or even if Eric had died. God is always good, regardless of how it appears to us.  Things would have been much different for us had the above scenarios happen but it wouldn't have changed God's goodness.  It would have changed circumstances, emotions, reactions, directions, etc. but it would not have meant that God was no longer Good.

Sure, it is easy for me to say, as the worst didn't happen.  But I know the character of God.  And I know that He works all things together for good for those who love Him.  

Thank you Lord, for my husband.
Thank you Lord, for your Goodness.

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