Sunday, December 30, 2012

advent time again

I'd love to say we are on a roll with all of our daily activities.  But that would be a lie.  I kinda wonder every year why we keep doing it, but we still do.  The kids are often too spent to do them anyway.  Well, some are getting done, and usually the most important ones.
Dec. 3 was packing shoe boxes for the school's shoe box delivery to poor areas in Quito.  We did all of the shopping together the Saturday before and got the loot:  toiletries, school supplies, candy and a toy.  Eric and I had our annual Youth World Christmas party on the 3rd so thankfully Grandma was able to supervise this.
I wish we would be able to be part of the distribution, but that won't happen.  Some day I hope that it will.  It is great filling boxes with things and giving to others, but the impact seems fairly small on the part of the giver.  You pray that the impact is grand for the receiver, but there is little sacrifice, in reality, for the kids.  I pray we can have the kids connect more with these kinds of projects in the future.

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