Wednesday, August 1, 2012

we went to a waterfall!

Hi, it's Lucy blogging again!
A little while ago Daddy and I went to Otavalo to see a waterfall.
This is me behind the waterfall and it sprinkled all over our faces and clothes.  We had two picnics there by the waterfall.
Here is the waterfall very close up.  We were on a little balcony house-thingy.

Here is me where the trees and bushes are when we were walking to the waterfall.  We were walking beside the river when we were going to see the waterfall.
There is the waterfall with a log in front of it when we took a picture of the waterfall by itself.
There is daddy behind the waterfall on the balcony.

We went to a hotel and in the night we saw a very very beautiful city.  Some parts were glowing.  I watched a movie at the hotel and had some cookies.  And in the morning we went to the waterfall again and we had another picnic with pringles.

The End.

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