Saturday, August 18, 2012

Lucy's last week of school, by Lucy

For my last week in school we dressed up for different things each day.  Monday we dressed as Dr. Seuss people.  I was Cindy-Lo Who.
There is me when we had summer day and we dressed in sunglasses and beach stuff.
The superstar cake and me as a superstar.  It was Hollywood day on the last day.

We had a red carpet and here I am walking down the red carpet.
This was one of my projects.

These are the presents mom made for my teachers.
They were aprons with a picture of our class.  Then we all signed them.

This is my class when we were at superstar day.
Here are two of my friends, Shadia and Victoria.
There is one of my teachers.
The last day of school with Hayun.
Mom thought we should blog about the last days of school before the new school year started!!

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