Tuesday, April 17, 2012

making it easter

This year due to trips to the jungle and weddings (okay - that would be one trip to the jungle and one wedding), I was not on top of my game Easter wise, so to speak.  Since it all was done on Saturday and Monday was still a vacation day, we tried to do a little make-up.
We were able to make "resurrection rolls" on the appropriate day - Sunday.  So after church and Casa G., we gathered up the necessities and off we went.  One of the guys from our church, Zach, goes to a bible college in Argentina and stayed with us a few extra days during his break..... so he had the highly desired privilege of joining in our Resurrection celebration.
Cade was delighted that one of his three "big brothers" from the jungle trip got to stay around.
I made the dough ahead of time so all we had to do was take out the marshmallows, butter, sugar, cinnamon.  Once again, you melt the butter, mix cinnamon and sugar together and start the process.  Back in the time when Jesus died, bodies would be preserved in oil and spices, then wrapped in cloths.  So that is what we are doing here:  Jesus' body is represented by the marshmallow, oil = butter, spices = cinnamon and sugar, cloths = dough.

The baking represents the time in the tomb and when, after the correct amount of time, you go back to the oven, the "cloth" is there, but the "body" has disappeared.
Even though the kids have done this now before, they thoroughly enjoy making them (and eating them!) and it somehow makes the story, truth and reality much more real.  I'm pretty sure this is one tradition that will continue to be part of our Easter for a long, long time.

Monday we had the Jensens over and dyed eggs.  Marlo found white eggs (brown are the dominant egg color here - white are only found occasionally), boiled them and brought them over.  I still had egg dyeing stuff left over from last year, so away we went.

Side Note:  Mia has been longing and longing and longing for her very large stuffed penguin from Uncle Michael ever since we moved back in 2009.  Baggage space is always at a premium so he has always been left behind whenever there was travel back and forth between California and Ecuador.  But finally - FINALLY - in Mia's mind, Auntie Rach and best friend Tatum made it a priority and got her beloved penguin here for her birthday present.  One might think that giving her something she already owns is not much of a birthday present, but then one would be very very wrong.  Getting it here represents much effort, struggle and sacrifice......
All that to say, now the penguin is everywhere:
Since we only had 30 white eggs, I decided to boil a few brown ones as well.  If you are patient, you can get some beautiful colors from them - they just take a long time and the colors are sort of fallish instead of springish.
It was hardly worth it however as many many of the eggs ended up like this:
We ended up cracking, dropping or smashing many an egg.

Mia ended up giving up on dyeing the brown eggs and took to smearing them with paint instead.  They actually were quite pretty when she was done.

After eggs, we made Easter Bunny Buns.  Again, I made the dough ahead of time, so the kids just helped form the bunnies (or turtles, as some thought.....)

The kids came up with some very, very interesting bunnies this year.
The eggs didn't stick around and get admired for very long.  They were all very soon cracked, peeled and made into deviled eggs and egg salad.  Surprisingly, we had egg salad sandwiches for dinner, after an appetizer hour of deviled eggs.
Marlo brought some yummy treats that she had made earlier.

She's a rather talented woman, that one.  Peanut butter eggs - my personal favorite with the pink squiggles, chocolate truffle eggs and cake balls in white chocolate.  Yum.
One might think that after this post that Easter is all about food for the Ackermanns.  
I have very little to say about that right now.

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