Saturday, December 17, 2011

third times a charm.....I hope

Wednesday, after I got home from the craft sale, this is what I saw when I walked in the door:
Our very deceased Christmas tree pulled off to the side and a shiny, healthy new tree standing where the dead one used to be.  During the day Eric went out and bought a new tree.  The first one lasted about three or four days before it started dying.  Not sure why, but it lived a short life in our home.  Deciding that having a large tinder box in our house wasn't the best idea, and we still had a while until Christmas (and because he loved me so very much), Eric decided to ditch the old and bring in the new.  
Our house was looking, and smelling, an awful lot like a forest.
 The third tree, in the back there, is our Jesse tree - I'll write about that later (everyone loves suspense.... do I have you on the edge of your seat?).
Apparently Eric had another doozy of a time putting the second tree up, but he still did it.  Is that love or what?
Now I like to put a lot of lights on the tree....a lot (see the difference there?  I underlined "lot" for emphasis.  I guess since I really like to use piles and piles of lights I should put a LOT (see that - I used bold, italics, all caps and underlined!).  These trees are pretty big, so they need a lot of lights.  With the first one I put the two strands of lights on that we had and I was going to get more  when I could.  Once the kids decorated it (for the second time), I realized it would be far too difficult to add more lights, so I left it.  Now that we were going to do it again, I was determined to get more lights.
Friday Eric had to go to the bank, so I went along and he dropped me off at the Christmas store.  Due to very very long lines at the bank, I ended up waiting at the Christmas store for an hour and a half.  Yes, I do love stores like these but that was a little much - and it is a highly fragranced store, so my sensitive nose was going nutty.... great for headaches.  I'm sure Eric's time standing in line was great for headaches too - poor guy.  Well, even an hour and a half in that small store didn't make them get any more colored lights (what we always have on our main tree - it makes it fun and happy), so I had to buy white.  And because they are ridiculously expensive here, I only got two strands of 150 lights - not anywhere close to enough in my books.  But those lights - just the old school mini lights, were a whopping $21.00!!
We finally get home, I remove the colored lights that I had already started putting on the tree and changed them to white.  Now, being the wise person that I am, I checked the lights first to make sure they worked.  Once I had the strands on, I plugged them in..... only to discover that 1/3 of a strand didn't work.  I realized that I plugged them in to check them but didn't look directly at them - in my peripheral vision I just saw them light up - ooops.  So once again, I took off the lights, wound them up, and convinced Eric to try to exchange them for me when he went to go and get pizza.  He wasn't super excited about it (who can blame him) but he did it.
So now we are back to decorating the tree.  For the third time.  Third time for the lights, third time for the kids putting on the ornaments.  Yikes.
I did change up the ribbon, since what we had didn't quite cover the tree and I made the easiest, most cutest garland ever.  I am quite in love with it.

All I did was string big pom poms on some green string.   So fast, so fun.  I am thrilled.  The kids love it too.  It is very happy.
I just got on here and discovered I never finished this post - from over a week ago.  Oops!
Well, it is a week and half later and this second tree is now getting rather crunchy....  apparently the "life" of these cypresses are not that long.  It sucked up lots and lots of water for a good week and then pretty much stopped.  By the time Christmas day is here, we should have ourselves another nice, dry tinder box tree.  I'm thinking that the Christmas decorations won't be lasting until well into the new year like they usually do around our house.

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