Monday, November 28, 2011

craft sale - coming up!

I have been headache free for one week.  A whole week!!!!  Do you have any idea how exciting that is? I had another good long bout (5 days, perhaps?) not too long ago too.  Do you know what this means?  I'm getting better.  I'm adjusting.  I am on my way to a normal life once again.  Thank you Lord!

A realization came to me today.  I don't think I have mentioned the craft sale this year.  Once again I'm participating in a craft bizarre, selling stuff to make money for Casa G.  And this year Marlo is helping me.  She's been a busy little beaver making all kinds of beautiful wood stuff - ornaments, candle holders, signs, etc.  She is exceedingly talented especially in the area of all things wood and power tools.  I'll need to get some photos of her handiwork yet.
Last Christmas my mommy did me a huge favor of buying a bunch of candy canes and Christmas lollipops during the after-Christmas sales.  Since those things have an expiration date of about 50 years (or maybe two), I knew they would be okay to use this year.  So once again I have a stable-full of candy cane reindeer.
 I wasn't sure what to do with the lollipops at first, but then figured I'd wrap them up in cozy earmuffs and scarfs.  The down side was discovering that the lollipops weren't mint flavored but sort of fruity.... my kids were disappointed.  Perhaps it will be a blessing in disguise as I'm sure there are people out there who prefer other flavors to mint.
 I bought a bunch of fabric trim this summer on clearance at Walmart and turned them into cuff bracelets 
 and headbands (there are more variety than what is pictured).
They'd probably look cuter if photographed on a lovely model - but they really do look cute on!
Then some kitchen towels:
 There still are a lot more of these to sew.  Some of the towels I bought on clearance at Target this summer and some were donated to Casa G.  I just took them all and added some fun contrasting fabric and trim that I had.  I'd be happy to keep them all for myself, but I won't.

 I was trying to come up with an idea of something inexpensive and easy/fast to sew using fabric scraps that I have.  I found just the thing on a website:  dog walking bags.
 The picture really gives no idea of what is going on.  Each little bag is elasticized on the top and has velcro sticking out the side.  The idea is to attach the bag to your dogs leash with the velcro strips and fill the cloth bag with plastic bags.  That way, when you're out taking your little doggie for a walk, you won't be empty handed when needing to clean up after said doggie.  While Ecuador is no where near as bad as Costa Rica was, there still are plenty of people who don't clean up after Fido....   Either they will think this is the lamest invention ever, or it will encourage more people to "keep it clean", so to speak.  I'm hoping for the latter.

I've also sewn a bunch of buntings/banners.  
These ones are made out of chalk cloth - just like fabric chalkboards.  I thought they'd be kind of fun as you could hang them up and write out different things on them according to the occasion.  We'll see if other people think they are as fun as I think they are!
Other items coming up:  Hot chocolate on a stick, bags of candy coal, peppermint bark, chocolate caramel pretzel rods, key fobs (hopefully - waiting for the hardware to be imported), letter ornaments (already made about 30 of these and promptly ruined the entire batch of them.... oh yes, I was thrilled), and snowman ornament kits.
But more on all that later.....

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