Sunday, October 9, 2011

casa g birthdays

I read the other day that October 5 is the most common birthday in the US - and that it is exactly 40 weeks from New Years Eve.  Hmmm.  Lots of celebrating.  Since not all pregnancies are exactly 40 weeks, it stands to reason that there are many birthdays before and after the 5th as well.  Casa G feels the boom.

 These pictures of Ricardo and Lucy (not sure who used my camera to take them....Maddy?) have little to do with birthdays, but they are just cuteness so I had to put them in.  
 I think we had three September birthdays and then have had one in October already.

This Thursday was Darío's birthday, and he was coming over to our house for dinner anyway.  We had the boys' favorite - fish tacos (the meal where I spend 1.5 - 2 hours solid frying fish!).  Then we had a plain, not too sweet butter cake..... the birthday above I baked a chocolate cake with mocha buttercream frosting, forgetting that they boys really don't like super sweet stuff.  Most of the icing got scrapped off and left!
The best part of this birthday celebration was that Darío had completely forgotten that it was his birthday.  Or I guess, more accurately, not realized.  He came into the house and the first words out of Eric's and my mouths were "Feliz Cumpleaños!" - happy birthday.  He sort of looked at us strangely.  Then he said it wasn't his birthday yet (I panicked, thinking I got it wrong) and his birthday was really Oct. 6.  We busted up laughing, showing him the calendar - that it was the 6th.  The sheepish grin on his face was hilarious.
I just have to tell you how incredible the change in this boy has been.  He and his brother joined Casa G in spring - coming only on the weekends.  They then went to full time in summer.  Neither of these boys would look you in the eye, smile or barely utter a word.  Now, several months later, Darío in particular will not stop smiling.  He is chatty and playful and while still has trouble looking me directly in the eye, will glance up often during a conversation.  He is a different person, to be sure.  His confidence has soared.
It is incredible and a huge blessing to be a part of working with these boys and seeing how powerfully God can change their lives, if they allow Him to.  God's work is amazing.

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