Saturday, September 24, 2011

welcome fall

Technically, fall is here.
As Cade reminded me while I was making this, there is no fall here.  I told him that is why I made this sign - to invite it.  He didn't believe me.
 Well, since fall is my favorite season and I don't get to enjoy it here, I thought I'd do what I can to manufacture as much fall as I can.  Don't worry, I won't go so far as to paint leaves and/or pull them off the trees.
Even though I love fall, I'm not crazy about fall decor.  I like the pumpkins and stuff, but it isn't my favorite.  And even most of things I've thought of making to bring more fall here I haven't been terribly thrilled about.  I'm not sure what it is, but it just isn't my thing.
 Well, I made this anyway.  It's sort of cute although it is a little busy or fancy or something for my taste. One too many ruffles or something.
The good thing is that it cost virtually nothing.  The frame is more cardboard, the fabric is all scraps except for the orange, which was a 99 cent per yard purchase at Ikea this summer. 
(Have I ever told you how much I love Ikea?  I do, I love it.  I'm anticipating Ikea coming to Quito the same year as Trader Joes.  By the way, why is it that they have Ikea in the Middle East of all places but don't have any in South America.  It's just not right.)
Moving on, the "welcome" was stamped with stuff I have and the "fall" was embroidered with floss scraps.  That was the goal (and is the goal for many up and coming projects) - use what I have instead of moaning about the fact that I don't have access to Michaels and JoAnns (also coming to Quito in 2051).
It ain't the cutest thing I ever made, but it still makes me happy.
So fall, you are very very welcome to come to our house.
I miss you.

I linked up to Southern Hospitality.

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