Friday, September 2, 2011

the last one

There is one remaining.

My wonderful brother-in-law sent me home to Quito with five Diet Dr. Peppers.  While I have been savoring them, I have not tried to draw out the pleasure over months and months.
No sense in that, I figure.
Just drink them and enjoy them.
(This is very different for me as I was always the kid who, whenever I got a new outfit or something would wait and admire it in the closet for a week or two instead of ripping off the tags and wearing it immediately, like most of my friends.)

The savoring is much sweeter than usual, however, because of one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received.
 Do you see those beautiful turquoise glass tumblers?
A thing of beauty, right?

The first week we got back to California, three of my friends and I got together at Panera Bread (yum) for breakfast.  Rachel treated us all with gifts (even though technically we were there to celebrate Vron and Val's birthdays, I somehow got in on the deal).
I am perfectly serious when I say it was one of the most ingenious examples of gift-giving that I have ever witnessed.
Rach produced three bags, beautifully and simply wrapped (sorry, no pictures) to each of us.  And while on the outside they were identical, the inside reflected the personality and preferences of the recipient as well as their relationship with Rachel.
Vron got two coffee mugs - beautiful blue with lovely embellishments.  Those two enjoy a good coffee together over long talks.  The style and color of the mugs were definitely Veronica.
Val received two magenta stemmed martini glasses.  Those two have good laughs while enjoying stress-relieving beverages.  The cut and color, again, were a great picture of Val.
I received those two aqua glasses. 
 Rach and I both enjoy a nice, cold Diet Dr. Pepper.  The color is a favorite, as is the style - sort of random and artsy.  But the real thing that showed that Rachel is a good, thoughtful friend?  The thinness of the glass at the top.
I am pretty particular with which glass I use to drink with which beverage.  There are certain (no, I am not mental) glasses that enhance the enjoyment of certain beverages.  And plastic does not enter the picture unless desperation sets in.  Rachel is wise enough to know that a thin lipped tumbler makes Diet Dr. Pepper even better than normal.
It's true.  Try it.
 The idea of giving two was so that we always had one for each of us, whenever she would come over... so that we could enjoy the beverage of choice together.
Sheer brilliance.
So thanks Rachel (and Michael), for making my last Peppa a great one!

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