Monday, June 13, 2011

Lucy's last day of kindergarten

She's done.
Lucy is finished with her first year of school!

We were really bummed because she is going to miss her "graduation", as Lucy and I are leaving tomorrow.  So her sweet-as-sweet-can-be teacher had a little ceremony for her today.

First of all, of course, you need food.  So I made some cheery, summery cupcakes.

 And then made some cheery, summer icing to go on them.

And then made some cheery, summer signs to go on top.
 Unfortunately Lucy handed out the little signs to the kids before they could go on the cupcakes... they were also pink, green and yellow.

 Lucy relished the job of handing out the cupcakes to all her classmates.

 Then the kids all did their graduation songs for me - they have been practicing very hard!

 After the "program", Miss Ortiz gave Lucy her certificate.

 Lucy's teacher is probably the best teacher you could ever want for your child.
They had a time of prayer for Lucy with three of the teachers and four of the kids praying.  It was so sweet to hear all of their precious prayers.
 Then it was time for lots of hugs, of course.
My baby is all grown up and graduated.
Well, sort of.  She still has twelve more years of school left!

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