Sunday, June 12, 2011

hair - day 18

We are sitting here at home on this fine, sunny Sunday when we normally would be at church.
I even did my fanciest hair thus far for our final Sunday in the hair series and for our final Sunday in Quito for a few months.
We are not at church, however.
We completely forgot, up until when it was time to go, that this Sunday they went to one service that starts at 10:00.  We're not real bright.
The good news is that now I can bake the cupcakes I need for tomorrow.

But first, hair.
Get a load of this fanciness!

Oh yeah.
I didn't quite hid the bobby pins well, but hopefully I fixed that now.
I basically did the same thing on the back of my hair that I did on the top on day 14.  Then I made a little bun type deal on the bottom side.
Its kind of fun but certainly not something I would wear very often.  Maybe I have a second go-to hair style for weddings and fancy events.

On a side note, the kitty and I have bonded.
Pity has a way of earning my forgiveness.
She spent two full days in the quiet darkness of Maddy's room or in the hole under our sofa.
This is the sofa, turned on its side - she has two places to crawl in.  She stayed in there for at least 6 hours after she came home from her surgery.
I've felt rather sorry for her because she obviously was feeling rather poopy.  I brought food and water to her and fed her so she didn't have to move.
Right now, however, she seems to be doing a lot better, so maybe the bonding will be over.
Maybe I'll still like her a little more than I had.

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