Monday, June 13, 2011

art wall

Remember those blue frames I posted about a little while back?
And remember this?
Well, I finally got them up.... the blue frames replaced the "clothes line" look.
They are a new display for the kids artwork.
 I put little bitty plastic hooks on the wall and then hung a paper clip from each one.  Then I can change out the artwork easily.  I'll actually get some of those stronger book clips sometime as heavier pieced tend to slip out of the paper clip.
 It isn't real obvious in the picture, but there are places on the wall that are doing this:

It is a pretty common thing here.  When we arrived, the walls were in perfect condition, but they have slowly started to bubble like this.  By the time we get back from furlough they will probably have completely popped and there will be lovely pieces of wall all over the place.  It has already happened in our closet.  It is apparently from moisture that seeps out and happens all the time.  Lovely.

You may have noticed the big space in the middle between all the frames?  That is for this:
I painted this bulletin board to go in that space but we are having issues getting it on the wall.  Eric put in a screw on the right side and it went into the lovely cinder block walls like a dream.  The left side wasn't quite as smooth.  There is some metal plate there or something, so now I have to figure out some other way to hang the bulletin board.
Someday it will get up there and then we will have a wonderful, happy and fun place to display all of the kids' projects from school.

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