Wednesday, June 8, 2011

another Lucy dress

I finished a few other remake Lucy dresses a while ago but just haven't taken any pictures. 
This one, complete with headband, of course, was just a quick snapshot before she headed off to school.
 It is made from two of my old shirts - the purple/turquoise part is just a leftover piece from after I made another full dress out of that shirt.  I still have to make an "under-dress" or lining for it though, as it that fabric is pretty thin.
At first Lucy didn't like it.  Then Maddy worked her magic and said stuff like "oh, this is the prettiest dress ever" and "it looks so great on you Lu!".  
Now it is one of her favorites.  She's worn it four times in the last two and a half weeks.  
Man - the power of influence!

Even though I've had several of these pictures posted before, I just had to do it again.
We are having a beautiful day and the clear view of Cotopaxi is evidence.
If you can just block out the wires and buildings, it is quite breathtaking!

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