Monday, May 9, 2011

six-year-old party

So we did have a party for the kid.
I wasn't going to do it, but I realized I really wasn't being a fair mommy... just a little selfish in my laziness.  So two days ahead of time, I asked some families to join us.
Saturday morning, Lucy helped me make her cake.
 She did some of the icing/decorating all by herself.
 She also squeezed out half of the bag of icing (from the back end) onto the floor.
Should have taken a picture of that!  Apparently I didn't supervise well enough....
The cake gave us plenty of problems but finally we had it in a satisfactory state.
 Satisfactory, that is, until I put it in the fridge, something slipped and as I reacted, I squashed the whole cake up against the top of a shelf.
 These pictures are both after the squish.... we managed to fix it to a slightly less than satisfactory state.
Less than satisfactory, but it'll have to do.

There were quite a few behavior issues throughout the day, and we were very close, twice, to canceling the party (yes, we would have done it - we had to do it two years in a row for Cade: ages 5 and 6.... fun times).  She did manage to work her way out of her funk, so the party was on.
 Just like at TGIFridays, she was completely delighted with everything.
 She expressed great delight with everything she opened - even cards.
 It was so fun to watch her.
Now she has some Littlest Pet Shops and doesn't have to try to convince her sister to let her play with hers.  Although I'm sure that will still happen - more is always better - at least in their minds.

Besides the fact that we conquered the last birthday party for a nice long while, we all had a good time hanging out with friends.
Birthdays end up being a great excuse for having friends over, giving a lot of opportunity for fun for everyone.
And now we can relax for a few months.  Phew.

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