Tuesday, May 10, 2011

mother's day tea

Monday Lucy's class had a Tea for all the moms of the class.
As you can see from the invitation below, we were supposed to wear our "fanciest attire".
Yipee! (said sarcastically)
 Dressing up is not my thing, but I figured that since I was in Ecuador and people like to dress up here, I was going to be a good girl and honor the request.
I didn't want to be the odd man out again - as my normal attire is usually more casual than the average mom.
Since I had to walk to school, I wanted to draw as little attention to myself as possible (on a regular day, we usually stand out to some degree).  I put on a sweater (even though it was quite warm), flat shoes,  and didn't wear my earrings.  Even with all that, I still felt like a spectacle.  But I survived.

Well, if you look closely at the picture below (or check out one further down with all the moms), I was the odd mom out again.... but this time I was the one over dressed instead of under!  I'm not exactly sure what happened, but no one else wore their "fanciest attire".  Not that they came dressed as slobs by any means, but there wasn't anyone really gussied up.
 Lucy, however, was so thrilled with my outfit and "very fancy" earrings, that it was well worth it.

Each of the kids drew a picture of their mom doing something or something that they appreciated about their mom.  Then each child stood up and shared what they drew and wrote.  Most kids said something like "I like it when my mom reads to me." or "My mom takes me to the park."  or even "My mom makes good food for me."  But Lucy drew something really special:
 "My mom is washing the dishes."
She was the last to share and everyone laughed.  That's me - the glamor jobs.
That probably stood out in her mind since I am always whining about washing dishes.  Okay, that is not quite true, I don't really whine that much, only every once in a while.

Then all the kids sang a song.
 Complete with actions.
 Lucy did a great job and got pretty into it.
We ended the time with a massive photo shoot. 
The whole group of of moms and their kids..... Kindergarten C.
 The two of us with her precious teacher, Miss Ortiz.
We love her!!
 All the moms.... can you pick out the one gringa in the group?
 And please notice that we all have lovely tissue paper corsages that the kids made for us.
I neglected to tell you that when we arrived, the kids escorted us into the classroom and then tied our corsages on our wrists.  Then they served us tea and chocolate buns.
Me and my girl.
 She was so sweet and so excited.  I think part of that was because she was also wearing her fanciest attire - her Christmas dress.  And she, unlike her mother, loves to dress up!

By the way, for any of you who may have thought I might be embarrassing my daughter by posting her little booty on the blog yesterday, do not fear!
She loves that picture and laughs hysterically every time she sees it!

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