Monday, April 11, 2011

we're going to... party, fiesta, together, forever

In three weeks, there is going to be a wedding.
Desi and Miguel.
Miguel spent several years in Casa G. and was the first "graduate".  He is currently in Seminary, here in Quito and is engaged to Desire.
Desi is from Holland.  She came here to do some short term work, met Miguel and they started dating.  Desi is a full time Youth World missionary working mainly with girls in the sex trafficked area. 
On April 30th,they are getting married!
And we are pretty darn excited about it.

Being that they have to keep the  numbers to their wedding small, a few of us decided to throw a "Pre-Wedding Reception" for them, so that they could celebrate with friends whom they really wanted to invite to the actual wedding, but couldn't.

Originally, we wanted the party on the roof.
Cool atmosphere, great to decorate, lots of space and all that good stuff.
But it rained.
So inside it was.
That didn't stop anyone from having a good time.
(and I was feeling pretty lousy, so it made getting the whole deal ready a lot easier... I had to throw a lot of the decorating ideas out the window, so the whole thing was pretty simple.)

The verse on their wedding invitation was from Zephaniah 3:17, so I wrote it on the board.
This is sort of what she wants for the wedding decorations, so we repeated it for this party too:
books, rustic, orange, yellow....  
 Since Mia was at home sick all last week (yes, all week long), she helped me make some stir sticks out of bamboo sticks, orange and yellow scrapbook paper, and stamps.
 While we were going to have two fire pits going on the roof with s'mores, we settled on one under the small covered area by our driveway.  This kept the kids pretty busy!
 Birds and butterflies are also part of her desired decor, so we made some of those in yellow and orange as well.
 And now for party time.
 The kids outside with lots of sugar!
 And no Ecuadorian party would survive without dancing.
 Salsa, of course.
 These guys didn't mind having their pictures taken dancing together, until we told them we were going to put the pictures on facebook....
 The party started pretty early for a party in Ecuador, but being that we were having kids over, we didn't want it to get too late.  Miraculously, once all the families left and we put our kids to bed, they actually all fell asleep!  Pretty amazing because it was loud!
Eric and I were the only one's remaining in the 30-and-over crowd after about 9:00.
We were pretty proud that everyone else wanted to stay and par-tay.
That's cuz we're so groovy and hip.
 The last of the crowd of about 50 people... Desi, Miguel and some of the Casa G guys.
We ate, danced, talked, and had a time of prayer for them.
They were blessed with many gifts, including about 15 rolls of toilet paper.
Yes, toilet paper.

You see, a Dutch tradition is for everyone to the same gift.  So we thought we would incorporate that here, for Desi.  Someone suggested toilet paper, so toilet paper it was!
Dumb and silly?  Yes
Useful?  Absolutely
Got to start the happy couple off right.

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