Friday, April 22, 2011

canvases, faces, floors.... whatever

Needed: more boredom busters
Solution: more paint

So we painted more canvases.  Good thing I had them on hand.
Now, remember this:
 Look closely at the picture Lucy is painting here.
 While imitation might be the most sincere form of flattery, it is most certainly the most annoying.
Mia was less than impressed.
I can relate.
I used to hate it when people would copy me, and honestly, I often still do.
Pretty sure it is just pride - I want acknowledgement for my ideas.  Something I still, even after all these years, need to get over.

In spite of the little conflict, they did have a good time.
Mia did something altogether new.
 And Cade did a miniature replica of his previous picture.... no picture included.

Once canvases were completed and got boring, we moved on to faces.

What a handsome lot.

And once we got tired of faces, we moved on to the floors.
Oops, actually the floors happened in the midst of the canvas painting.
Its amazing how a five year old can spread so much "love" even with proper cardboard protection underneath.  
It's an astounding talent that she manages to thrill us with over and over and over.

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