Tuesday, January 11, 2011

braided bracelet

I've been wanting to make this for a while.
Originally when I thought of the idea, I was going to make them for that craft fair.
Never happened.

But it did now.
I made head bands by braiding strips of fabric together and they turned out really cute.
So I thought, why not a bracelet?

I just braided one very long braid of fabric together.
Then I wrapped it loosely around my wrist four times.
I sewed it together in four places: two close together, where I cut it apart for attaching the hardware, and two to divide the bracelet in equal thirds.
I treated the cut ends with fray check and squished them (or clamped - sounds a little more professional) in the "jaws" of some findings I bought (way back in October) for this purpose.
I attached the rings and clasp and ta-da:
one bracelet ready for the wearing.
Oh, and one more.


  1. I love this. And I think it's great that I found your site! My dtr is going to Quito in June with Never the Same missions. :) she is so excited, I am a bit scared as we live in California. She is just 15. Her heart is service and missions so we are excited, too.

  2. I love the colors in that first bracelet! What a fun project. Very nice!

  3. what are the claps called for the braclet I tried finding thm on etsy but I must not be calling them the right things thanks :) Julia
