Wednesday, December 22, 2010

shopping, cooking and baking - Dec. 22

The activity for today was shopping.

Yipee, yahoo, and hip-hip-horray!
(Please include plenty of sarcasm on the part of the parents and down-right anger on behalf of Cade.)

Unless it is at Target or "treasure hunting" at TJMaxx, Old Navy or a thrift store, shopping is just not my thing.
It is even less of Eric's thing.
And nothing of Cade's thing.
Although, actually, he really wasn't that bad.

We went shopping for our "ticket" gifts.
We pulled names with the Casa G. guys as well as amongst the four kids.
Since we all had to go together, the purchasing of gifts for the siblings didn't go too smoothly.
Next year please remind me to start really early, make sure I have my driver's license by then, and take one kid at a time.

But it is done.
Well, almost.
Most of the guys wanted headphones and we couldn't find anything within the price range.
Now Eric has to do it on his own tomorrow.

He's excited.

Before shopping, while Eric was blissfully off at work, I cooked, baked and dealt with kids.

Some of it was like this:

and this

but some of it was also like this

"'Tis the season to be jolly..."
I wanted to put some other words into the "fa-la-la-la-la" part.
I think Cade wanted to as well.

Fortunately he got over it.
So did I.
And on we went with the rest of the day.

I told the kids early on in the day that I was going to need their help.
At first, on of them was very disgruntled about the whole thing....
trying to argue about why they should have to do anything.

By the grace and work of God, this same child apologized later and cheerfully went on being very helpful.
Lucy pitched in and "helped" make pie crust.
Maddy and Mia (and Lucy) happily did dishes.
And everyone took part in cutting, peeling and coring apples for the pies.
It was really quite lovely to have the help -
especially when it is happy help.

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