Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloweekend!

Monday we went to a Pumpkin Party...
It was about the best thing ever.
(although I tend to say that kind of stuff a lot)
But it really was fun.

A mother of a boy in Lucy's class had it at their house.

She had a frame hung up to take pictures at.
This is Cade (he was a clone....we had to borrow costumes); He threw the wig on and held up a mustache for effect.
For some reason I couldn't download (or is it upload - never quite get that straight - when it is up and when it is down...) Mia's picture. And Lucy was too princessy to do it.
But I wasn't...
Yes, I am charming.

After a few games and a snack, we went trick-or-treating. The hostess set up five houses where we could go. So we all piled into the Bryans' car (also the owners of the costumes, and one of the funnest families we know - I love them - and they also have all blonde kids; so we took care of the gringo corner of the market).
Oh, and Maddy is in the car.
She was hiding.
That is a lot of cuteness.

At one of the houses.
This is my favorite picture:
You'll notice Maddy in the middle of the couch,
in the middle of the picture,
her head down.
She is doing homework in the middle of all the craziness and chaos.

I love that.

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