Monday, September 27, 2010

you may notice...

You may notice two things:
Thing one:
I am posting a lot of stuff today.
Yes, I am trying to catch up. Haven't had much opportunity lately.
Thing two:
No, I have not been reading a lot of Dr. Suess lately....
I have posted very little about what we are actually doing here. As in - our ministry and all that.

There are two reasons for that:
Reason one:
I keep forgetting to take pictures of stuff we do and it isn't nearly so interesting to just describe it. But we are "missionarying" and we love the guys and are soooo thankful for the ministry that we are involved in.
Reason two:
There's some stuff going on that I am finding a little hard and am a little emotional about - nothing hugely major - but sad and hard. So I am waiting a little so that I don't start bawling while I am writing and ruining our computer with my flood of tears (yes, that is quite an extreme exaggeration). Seriously - not a big cause for concern, but I just don't feel like writing much about it right now.
Flighty, non-eternal, frivolity is much easier to talk about.

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