Monday, September 13, 2010

sleeping in (or not)

So, generally speaking, our kids are early risers.
Typically, they are up by 6:00 a.m., and often earlier. Mia, in particular, has been known to rise at the ungodly hour of 5:30.

- please keep in mind that both parents are night people -

Now this past week, the first full week of school, without fail, we have had to wake the kids up to get ready for school. We've woken them up at 6:45 and can barely haul their little fannies out of bed.
Moaning and groaning - sure that we are torturing them, we try to pull them out into a state of, at most, semiconsciousness.
They, especially the youngest two, have been completely and utterly exhausted.... And it shows in more than their sleep patterns, if you know what I'm saying!
Finally the weekend came.

Ah, weekends.
Weekends with opportunity to catch up on rest.

Saturday morning, 6:02 a.m.: Lucy comes bubbling into our bedroom needing breakfast. Cade and Mia follow shortly (6:15ish).

Sunday morning, 6:07 a.m.: Lucy and Cade are awake with Mia trailing behind them.
Are you freaking kidding me??? Church doesn't start until 10:45!!!

Monday morning (aka: today, back to school this morning....) 6:50 a.m.: Eric and Carla trying to haul tired bottoms out of bed.

Yes, I am serious.

I don't even have anything else that I can say.

Except maybe

1 comment:

  1. Your situation is both hilarious and terrible at the same time. As a fellow night person, I feel your pain my friend!
