Wednesday, September 1, 2010

a new era

Tomorrow marks the dawning of a new era in my life.


Yes, my baby girl starts kindergarten tomorrow. So after almost 13 years of parenting, I will regularly have my daytimes sans kids (sans: French for "without"..... I know, I'm supposed to be speaking Spanish, but certain French words will never cease to be part of me. How could I possibly push out all Ms. Daque and Mr. Bostock taught me?).
Do a laugh or do I cry?

Most definitely a little of each.

I remember very clearly (which is pretty remarkable in itself - that I remember anything clearly) the first day my oldest started kindergarten. It was definitely a laugh and cry moment. Mostly cry - but because she was a bit of a challenging one (kind of like my current baby girl), there was a certain amount of laughter! The most vivid memory that I have, however, it that of my friend Cindy.
Cindy's daughter was a good friend of Maddy's and Cindy was a good friend of mine. Cindy's daughter is the youngest of her four kids. That day, when it was the first day of my first child's schooling - it was the first day of her last child's schooling.
And she was EXCITED!
She cracked me up - well, she always cracked me up, but especially on that day.
Cindy was dancing around
doing a little playful "rubbing it in my face"
- freedom was hers!
And like me, she loved her baby girl a whole lot. She also loved to be with her kids.
But she certainly knew how good it was to have time to herself.
And that will be mine....
Tomorrow I will dance around.
Tomorrow I will fine some innocent parent who is dropping off their first child at school and rub it in their face!! (okay, I probably won't, but it sure would be fun if there was someone I knew and I could do that too. Cindy seemed to enjoy it so much....)
Tomorrow is my new era:


Now all that being said, tomorrow will be a lousy way to celebrate my first day of freedom.
First I have a meeting at the school right after we drop off the kids.... probably will be a good hour and a half or so. Then we have a meeting with our mission organization for 2 1/2 hours.
So my day of freedom?
Not so free.

But there's always

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