Friday, August 13, 2010


Yesterday afternoon, while painting a bulletin board outside, I hear (everyone in the neighborhood could hear) a lady wailing.
Not crying, not screaming, not talking loudly - WAILING.
As in crying out words incredibly loud.
In Spanish, she was saying "I don't have work; I don't have money; I need help; I have four children." Over and over and over again. For a good 10-12 minutes.
Right away I started praying. I really wasn't sure what to do and Eric wasn't home. It was encouraging to see two or three people go to her and talk to her.... although I guess I don't know what they were saying. I'm assuming the best.
After a few minutes, I gathered up a package of rice, dried beans, some cans of corn and a little bit of money, walked it down to her and talked with her a little.

A situation like that is hard. It is really hard to know what to do. I believe that what I did was what God called me to do in the situation, so I felt comfortable with it. But generally speaking, it is just hard.
There are so many people who truly need help, who really don't have work and have a very difficult time providing for their families. And quite likely, this lady is one of them.
The thing that makes it difficult is the method. First, it seems that she plunked herself down on the sidewalk, with a "sleeping" child in her arms, in a good neighborhood, and went from no sound directly to wailing.
I wish I would have seen how she arrived.
And her son. Even though she was extremely loud, he never stirred. And when I went to talk to her, he looked more dead than alive..... like he was drugged. He was completely and totally out.
That was what really got to me. I know that drugging children is a common thing with people begging on the street (I don't know if it is here, but I know it is in other areas of the world). It makes it easier to do their "jobs" and evokes more sympathy.
So what do you do?
What I want to do is what Jesus would have done.... you know, like the overused '90s WWJD? What Would Jesus Do?
You certainly don't want to encourage these actions yet you definitely want to help.
These people are stuck in a horrible situation, whether they are trying to cheat people, pretending to be something they are not or simply using the methods they feel are most effective to get what they need or want. It doesn't matter if they are trying to live their lives to survive or to get more by cheating people. The fact is that they have a deep need. They may lack food and possibly other things to survive. But worse, they need Someone to save them. To save (or better, to help) them from their physical situation, but to save them from their emotional, mental and most importantly, spiritual situation. And there is only One who can really do that. Most simply put, they need Jesus.
Don't we all.
What Would Jesus have done?
The only thing I know for sure is that He would have loved her. He would have had compassion, regardless of her motivation or what her sins were. He would have helped and healed.
I am so thankful for Him. He gives wisdom when we ask for it. And I think He gave me wisdom here.

I will continue to pray for this lady and her children. Please do too.

1 comment:

  1. Wow--really tough questions and really good insights! I've been in that same situation a lot since we've been here. Not sure what to do; pretty sure somebody is trying to scam me. But realizing that they probably do have legitimate needs, even if they are trying to scam me or specifically manipulate the circumstances. Sigh. I think you've got it right--God will lead us if we let Him in.
