Thursday, August 26, 2010


Fruit #10: Uvillas

These little grape sized gems are really quite fabulous. I saw via the internet that they are actually common in parts of North America, under the names of cape gooseberry or ground cherry. Now, I am pretty sure that I would have known if I have had them before, because they really are yummilicious!
They are mildly tart, sweet, thin skinned, firm yet soft and juicy. An absolutely must try.
Now they are really good all on their own but I felt like baking a pie.
So I did.
The only problem is that we snacked on so many of them while making pie crust that I didn't have enough to fill the pie! I made it anyway and it was pretty good.... although I added a little too much sugar for my taste.
Should really have taken a picture of the pie.
Since you don't have to wait until you come to Ecuador to try these, you really ought to go and hunt some of these down.
I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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