Saturday, August 14, 2010

my new favorite accessory

I've never been partial to rubber gloves. Just haven't really used them much in my life - I guess I have just always dealt with rough hands after cleaning, washing dishes, etc. They just feel kind of icky and restricting or something.
But no longer.
Now that I am washing dishes - many, many dishes, two or three times a day (sounds like I am whining, but really I only do sometimes), I have a new found appreciation for these beauties. Plus the dish soap is pretty harsh (no Palmolive here, folks!.... I am not soaking in it!!), the water extremely hot and the dry climate, it all makes for a painful operation after a while.
They may not be the most fashion forward item, but they definitely go with everything. And who can beat sunshine yellow? Just puts a little joy and light into the whole process, you know?
And the best part of it all? It brings the song "Moon River" to mind each and ever time I "snap" them on. Thank you Dr. Rosenrosen.*

*Bit of a Fletch reference here.... If you haven't seen the movie, don't bother pondering it too long. And no, please don't take this as a movie reference, even though it is absolutely hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, my hands are pretty much destroyed right now. But I still can't seem to embrace the gloves!
