Sunday, August 1, 2010

beautiful morning

This is the beautiful volcano, Cotopaxi, as seen from our roof top (also can be seen from the house, but it so much more breathtaking up there). Can you say LOVE?
This morning I woke up with a headache and a grumpy heart. I noticed, however, that it was a glorious day outside, stepped over to the Cotopaxi window and had an almost cloudless view. Instantly God brought His glory to mind and things started looking up. He simply reminded me of His amazing glory through this teeny tiny picture of His power.
I really really really (could add a few more of those "really"s) wanted to go to church - I miss church so much. So even though Eric is still sick, I left him with the kids and walked to church myself. And it was so good.
They had a worship concert with a band called "Gedeon". It was about 2/3rds in Spanish and the rest in English (for the math challenged, that would be 1/3rd). Great worship songs. Also had a 5 minute message/testimony and the cutest 15 year old Ecuadorian boy getting baptized... He and Maddy are going to get married in 10 years - or at least I hope they might if he stays so in love with Jesus and is as sweet as he seems. Prearranged marriage is okay, right?
Anyway, my soul is filled. God knew exactly what I needed and abundantly provided.... Him. I needed a great big dose of HIM, and that is just what I got.
So good.

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