Wednesday, July 28, 2010

a thing of beauty

When you are down, when you are lonely, when all else is seemingly going wrong, bake a pie. It is truly a thing of beauty.

Good food, it seems, well, at least for now, is a thing of the past. I've discovered that most of our favorite family recipes are needing huge adjustments for lack of needed ingredients, be it Worcestershire sauce, molasses, cheese that doesn't melt properly, chocolate chips or simply margarine instead of butter. As mentioned before, the altitude is another big factor in all of this food-making business.
But then there is pie. Ah, pie.
I love pie. Eric says I am a pie snob (actually the whole category of desserts-snob....I think I mentioned that before...). I come from a long line of pie-snobs. It is because we are good at it. It must be in the genes.
And I have discovered that pie is one of few things that is not affected by the altitude. And it is one of few favorite things for which I have all needed ingredients (unless I want to make peach, cherry, or something so ridiculously yummy like that).
So right now - at least for yesterday and today, my pie is the most beautiful thing I see.... and taste.

Several people have asked to see picture of our house. Well, pictures, maybe even a video, will come sometime, but for now, you can take a look at this map, drawn by Cade. He said he drew it so that we wouldn't get, it is definitely not that big, but he just wanted to help out.

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