Monday, July 5, 2010

food, bugs, yawning and a new little light

The food in Quito? Its great. Very colorful. Looks amazing. The texture, however, is a little tough and the taste is pretty bland. At least the food that I have been served a great deal lately.
We are currently housesitting for a family on "home mission assignment" and they have a play kitchen loaded with play food. The kids are having great fun taking our orders and serving us a delightful assortment of plastic and velcro food. Good times!
One thing I am missing here is bugs. No millipedes, no cockroaches, no mosquitos. Life really stinks here. In fact, I have only seen one bug in my entire week and two days here. What kind of place is this, anyway? Okay, but seriously, it is so nice not having cockroaches climbing out of the kitchen cupboards, knowing that they have just crawled all over your dishes. Just a note... I often thought, back in Costa Rica, why did I bother putting clean dishes away? I should have just put them away dirty and then washed them right before we used them.
And yawning - doing a lot of that here in Quito. Its not really that I am so terribly tired. The fact is that I need more oxygen. Remember the title of this blog? The air is, indeed, thin. Eric and I were just laughing yesterday how we run up the stairs to our children arguing and we have to stop, bend over to gasp for breath, before we start dealing with the kids. So we burst into the room, only to fall over trying to get some air. Really effective. Apparently it takes several weeks to get used to the altitude so until that happens, our kids might just be running wild!
But one of those dear ones, our only and most precious son, is a "new little light". Two nights ago he wanted to pray and ask Jesus to forgive his sins and to become a Christian. A sweet, sweet moment.
So far, life is good in Quito.


  1. Cade, I am so happy for you! How wonderful! We are going to have the best First Grade Reunion in Heaven -- and you get to be there! Yeah! Mr. McGhehey is so happy for you too. I am talking to him on the phone as I write this. We love you and miss you. Enjoy Quinto and all the adventures the Lord has for you. Remember, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. I love you. love, Miss Bedortha :)

  2. What an exciting and momentous time. We miss you all; we love you!
