Thursday, July 29, 2010

2 Cor. 12:9

Two days ago, during my short quiet time before bed, I read this in my "Praying God's Word Day by Day" by Beth Moore. It, by the way, is a wonderful guide and help.... highly recommend.

She says "Our bridegroom sometimes leads us to difficult places, but we can trust Him to have purpose in our stay and never to forsake us."
The we pray through Ps. 107:13, Ps. 57:2-3, 2 Cor 12:9 and Heb 13:5. Such a comfort.
My favorite: His power is made perfect in my weakness.
His power is really being perfected right now, because I am feeling awfully weak. Sometimes, when realizing that the spiritual is so much more important than the physical, I am so thankful for my weaknesses. It simply means that I finally get out of the way and God can be that much stronger and present in me.... as long as I step aside (something I am not very good at, however!).
I just want my weakness to exploit His strength. If I am going to be so powerless in all of the struggles that I am going through right now, I may as well do what makes the most sense: throw my hands up, admit that I am no good at any of this, and let Him take over. And then? Success. More than I could imagine or understand.
The main problem: I keep wanting to figure it out on my own. And then? Failure.
Lord, please, please help me to call it quits and depend on You.

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