Wednesday, August 14, 2013

so long party

The night (Monday) before we left, we had a few people over at Chris and Val's: The Wurzbachs, Thomas, Polks, Fishers and Nunes.  Bring your own meat to grill, a side to share and we provided some sodas and ice cream novelties for dessert.  Simple, fun.

During the whole time we have been in Fairfield, Cade has been in his glory.  Very few times of melt-down or bad-behavior.  This last day, however, he officially lost it.  He was done.  He kept up with his two cousins most of the time - had a few times of needing to sleep a little extra, get a little space for himself, etc. - but it was time to get back to some normalcy for him (which isn't going to happen for several more weeks, unfortunately).  He was not himself at the party and spent a good deal of the time crashed on dad's lap.
Val did a little routine trim on Jake's hair  - you know, normal party activity....
There was one point where I needed to have a little "one-on-one" time with Lucy; a little chat, shall we say.  I just had to capture her enthusiasm for these times we get to have together.  That one needs to be shown extra-large!
Many of the kids adore Maddy as she usually spends some time playing with them.  While crappy pictures, it does show some of the fun that was had!

Lucy and Hailey (Best Friends and Worst Enemies Forever!..... they are more like sisters at times.....) decided to put on a lovely little show for us after the pool excitement wore off.  Hailey has been taking piano lessons and Lucy seems to be a natural with the recorder.  Rachel and I were amazing at how she could retain the same note and tone regardless of which holes she closed and opened.  That's some skill.

Then it was time to say good bye to everyone.  Not so much a fun time.  Did a little crying of course.... Some goodbyes were a little more fun - like Lucy and Hailey's attack-and-roll-good-bye-hug.

Can I just tell you, yet again, how tired I am of saying goodbyes.  So many incredible people in our lives.  Ah, when we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be.

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