Saturday, January 5, 2013

can't stop these shoes

Christmas concerts - I love them.  School Christmas concerts which my kids are in - I adore them.  And this year's was no exception.  It was a great program.  They even had it live-streamed so people could watch it over the internet.  Pretty cool and high tech for this little school!
The concert was by preschoolers through grade 6.  You can see Mia below - right in the middle of the front row - with her face all aglow.  She seemed to have caught most of the spot light or something.

Cade's third grade teacher helped with the drama portion so she had asked her class if anyone didn't like to sing.  Cade was the only one who raised his hand (I'm pretty sure he does like to sing, but he also likes to be contrary!) so she gave him an extra part in the play.  We were absolutely shocked when he told us he not only said yes, but was excited about it!  This from the boy who last year had a fit when the whole class was supposed to perform something so his teacher finally let him sit out.  My how a year can change people!

We were sitting on the same side that Lucy's class was on so I couldn't get any pictures of her during the performance, but we got some with her and her best buddy, Sierra, after it was all over.  Also with her, and her teacher, Miss Spear (same teacher as Cade had last year).

The whole performance was about spreading the good news of Jesus and His birth and how one organization (fictitious) was doing that.  "I can't stop these shoes from spreading the good news".  They had people bring shoes to donate as well, so they collected a lot to give to people in need. 

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