Saturday, December 8, 2012

getting christmas-ed

It was great to get away for the weekend, but the kids and I were pretty excited to get home on Sunday with enough time to start decorating for Christmas.
After the tinder box, poke-n-scratch Christmas tree experience last year, the kids were apparently not ready to go through that again....  I was overwhelmingly out voted when I asked if we should get a real tree again this year.  Not happy.  But at least it is easier.... we'll look on the bright side.
Usually the kids dress up in red and green or fancy or whatever to decorate the tree.  This year we had one in Christmas pajamas - Mia, one in fancy - Lucy, and one as an elf - Cade.  Yes, the pants on his head is part of the "costume" - an elf hat.  Maddy just went for comfort.

Daddy has two jobs in decorating and while they may seem very simple, apparently they are very challenging and exhausting.  One is putting "Mystical Bob the Rhino" on the tree and the other is the tree topper.  He had to lie down after those strenuous events.

Cade, the goofy elf who lost his hat, sat down to admire their work....
That, apparently, is a look of satisfaction.

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