Tuesday, January 17, 2012

from the cousins

Way back when (on December 27th), some of our most wonderfulest friends came out here to celebrate Christmas and New Years with their family-in-law.  Remember the cupcake in Maddy's face for her birthday?  Yup, that family - but the rest of them came on the 27th..... Wurzbachs, Fishers and Polks.  A certain most darling sister-in-law of mine stuck a few gifts into our bags that they brought up for us.  More treasures for the Ackermanns.
For Eric:

The girls all got little treasure boxes.

And Cade....
Well, first of all Cade commented on his wrapping paper.  "This thing is full of ho's!"
Maddy and I burst out laughing, Eric smiled and snickered, and the other three looked at us like we were smoking something.  
He got a polar bear that poops jelly beans.

It was true love.  He then said "That's way Blake and Carson gave this to me, 'cause they're so gross."  Not a truer word was spoke.
I also got a treasure - a beautiful paper weight - that I neglected to photograph because I was too into what the rest of the family was doing.  I think I am going to turn it wall art as it will simply get buried under paper instead of weighing it down.  I'm organized like that.
Rachel (the Wurzbach) also brought us treasures.  Once again I did not photograph them - all except for what I received upon her arrival:
The girl knows me well.  Very well.  If she would have sinned against me, she would have been forgiven multiple times.  That's just how shallow I am.

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