Wednesday, October 12, 2011

pork chops and apple sauce

Actually, no apple sauce in this entry - but I can hardly say the words "pork chops" with out saying it in a silly accent and adding the words "and apple sauce".  Its a Brady Bunch thing.  I barely remember anything about the episode other than one of the sons (Peter, perhaps?) saying "pork chops an' apple sauce" in a funny way.  Moving on.....

I figured a little while ago that I am going to include more recipes on this here blog.  Again, it is my way of giving to my kids.  They won't have to wonder about mom's recipes (because she is so disorganized and some of them are just in her head or scratched down) in the future.  They will all be neatly typed out in their blog books....  I may even go so crazy as to put in an index in future books.....  That would be crazy!

One of our favorite meals, um let me rephrase, one of our used-to-be-favorite-meals-but-now-we-have-overdone-it-a-little-so-some-of-the-kids (Maddy) are-sick-of-it is BBQ pork chops and grilled veggies (I'm not sure why I just used the term veggies - I really don't like that term but it just didn't seem right to write the full word vegetables).  It is so very healthy and delicious.

The best part is the marinade for the chops (which is also great on chicken).  It is a compilation of several different recipes that I found on the internet but is distinctly our own... or we would like to think.
Please bear in mind that measurements are not exact....

Scrumpdiliumptious Marinade
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp oil
2 tbsp ketchup
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp worcestershire sauce (aka: salsa de ingles)
2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1 tsp lemon juice

We let it marinade for about four or five hours which seems to be good.  Then the man of the house - it has to be the man, as he is the one that deals with fire, naturally - barbecues them up.  Serve them with asparagus,  red pepper and zucchini chunks which are drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled with seasoned salt and grilled along side the chops.


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