Wednesday, June 1, 2011

summer schedule

We've been mapping out our summer.
I'm tired already - but very excited.

Here's what we are thinking/planning and most of what is really happening:

June 14:  Lucy and Mom (that's me, in case you didn't realize) fly to California
June 17:  Eric, Maddy, Mia and Cade fly to Florida
June 18:  Same four fly to California
June 21:  Start our drive to Manitoba to see my family 
June 24:  Arrive in Manitoba  (boy, I wish there'd be snow!)
July 12:  Start our drive through western Canada; arrive in Caronport, SK and see Donnie
July 13:  Drive to Bow Island, AB and visit the Reimers
July 14:  Drive to Vernon, BC (or spend an extra day in Bow Island... we'll see) to see the Penners
July 16 or 17:  Drive to North Vancouver, BC and hang out with the Koops
July 18 or 19:  Head south for the rest of the summer
July 19 or 20:  Arrive back in Fairfield, CA
July 22 - 24:  Girls weekend for mom
July 31 - August 6 (?):  Maddy and Mia at Hume Lake for camp; the rest of us at Hume Lake for relaxing!
August 12:  Weekend with girls and Uncle Michael!
August 24:  Fly back to Ecuador
August 25:  Kids start school (aka: hit the ground running)


We have been extremely blessed by our friend and small group leaders (from our church back at home in Fairfield).   They are letting us use their Expedition all summer - including driving all the way to Manitoba and back.  That is amazing.  An incredible example of selflessness and generosity.
Pretty overwhelming.

Oh, and here is the packing list for all of us:

Anything old, torn, almost torn, too small, almost too small, out-of-date, almost out-of-date, and ready to be thrown away.
Nothing nice, newer and in good condition.

No, we are not trying to dress our children in rags to try to garner more support.
No, we are not trying to play the poor pathetic missionary game.
We just want them (and us) to completely thrash the already almost completely thrashed.   That way we just leave all that stuff back in California (in the garbage!) and have more space for buying the next size of clothes for everyone.  Fortunately we don't have to get too terribly much for Mia and Lucy, as they have hand-me-downs from Maddy, but Maddy and Cade will need quite a bit.
There will be a lot of shopping done this summer.
Half of me is excited about it, half of me is dreading it.

Maddy is elated.

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